6.7L Ford Powerstroke
GEN 2.1
"Disaster Prevention Kit"
( CP4 Bypass Kit )
As many 6.7L Powerstroke owners have become painfully aware, the high pressure fuel pump (also known as a CP4 pump) has a design weakness. When the CP4 pump fails, it sheds tiny particles of metal throughout the entire high pressure fuel system, causing a number of serious problems. The only cure in this case is to replace everything in the high pressure fuel system - the CP4 pump, fuel injectors, injection lines, fuel rails, etc. We hear from our customers that the total cost of this repair with labor can be in the $10,000 - $12,000 range.
The CP4 disaster prevention kit cannot prevent the CP4 pump from failing. What it does do is prevent the contamination generated by the failure from entering the high pressure fuel system.
! Announcing the NEW GEN 2.1 KIT !
Since its debut in 2016, the original S&S 6.7L Power
Stroke CP4 Bypass Kit has safeguarded thousands of fuel systems from CP4
generated metallic debris. In fact, it works so well that it has been copied (very poorly in most cases) by multiple
(usually offshore) opportunists within the aftermarket. Being a company founded by top fuel
system engineers, S&S Diesel Motorsport is never satisfied with the status quo and is always seeking new innovative solutions to fuel system problems. The last five years have provided ample opportunities to gather data from the field and suggestions from customers and has lead to the recent introduction of the industry leading Gen2.1 kit which has been many months in development and testing.
The S&S Diesel Motorsport Gen2.1 Kit features all quick connect lines that eliminate any need for cutting the factory supply line, making the installation process easier and faster and eliminating a possible debris introduction point. It also eliminates the need to use a compression fitting,
which is a potential leak point. The OE-style quick connect lines also
eliminate any threaded joints that could be possible debris generation or leakage points.
There are two major improvements in how the Gen2.1 kit accomplishes the task of preventing pump-generated debris from contaminating the high pressure system. The Gen2.1
fuel supply is split off into two separate lines 25 inches from the
CP4, which will eliminate the chance of contaminated case fuel
back-feeding into the clean fuel supply line if the CP4 failure produces enough debris to clog the
fuel return system. The second major improvement is what happens to any wear metals that exit the pump case. A return side filter has been added to catch any CP4 generated debris and prevent them from reaching the tank, fuel
lines, and supply pump, eliminating the need to remove and flush the fuel tank in the event of a CP4 failure. The Gen2.1 kit features a billet filter head that accepts standard readily available low-cost spin-on fuel filters. (A Donaldson 9 micron filter, part number P550943, is included with each kit.)
The CP4 pump is internally lubricated by diesel fuel from the tank. After lubricating the crankcase area of the CP4 pump, fuel enters the high pressure pumping chambers and exits under pressure to the fuel rails and fuel injectors. The weakness of the CP4 pump lies in the crankcase area where a set of roller lifters ride on a camshaft. When the failure event occurs the lubricating fuel becomes contaminated immediately. Our bypass kit mounts to the CP4 pump and changes the routing of the fuel flow so that lubricating fuel from the crankcase is directed back to the fuel tank to be filtered before going through the fuel system again. Thus all fuel entering the pumping elements of the CP4 pump and leaving for the injectors is always routed through both of the vehicle's fuel filters to eliminate any chance of contamination from a high pressure pump failure.
The one-time investment in a CP4 bypass kit could easily save over $10,000 in repairs and weeks of downtime. It is one of the top 6.7 Powerstroke must-do mods!
Interested in seeing the CP4 Bypass Kit in action? Check out the videos below. In the first video S&S set up a complete 6.7L fuel system on the injection pump test stand after deliberately sabotaging a CP4 pump so that it would fail. In the second two videos they took it to the next level by purposefully triggering a CP4 failure on their own tow right before leaving for a show. Did the Disaster Prevention kit really protect the fuel systems? Watch the videos to find out!
Test Stand Video
Truck Test Part 1
Truck Test Part 2
The original Gen1 Powerstroke Disaster Prevention Kit is 100% CARB Compliant and comes with a CARB compliant decal making this modification 100% street legal in all 50 States for 2011 - 2023 model year trucks. CARB Compliant status on the Gen2.1 kit is pending. According to our understanding, Ford's position is that any modification that is
CARB compliant will not void the manufacturer's warranty.

Great pains have been taken to ensure that 100% of the content for this kit is US-sourced - down to the last bolt, fitting, and o-ring. All fasteners are stainless steel to prevent any corrosion issues, and all o-rings are made of the highest quality VITON material.
Average installation time is approximately 3 to 4 hours. Expert technicians might cut this to around 2 hours after doing a few installations. For complete installation instructions click HERE.
One of our great customers put put together a very nice video documenting his installation process (Gen 1 kit) - click HERE to view.