  • 6.2L / 5.7L
  • 6.9L / 7.3L IDI
  • VW and Jeep
  • Medium/Heavy Duty and AG

  • Products 241-320 of 408
    Dodge 6.7L Cummins Injection Line Set 2007 - 2018 (6 Injector Lines) 68005437AA, 68005438AA, 68005336AA, 68005435AA, 4935982, 4935981, 4935974, 4935976
    Price: $198.95
    Availability: In Stock
    Item #: IM670 -

      Dodge 6.7L Cummins Fuel Injection Line Set 2007 - 2018 (6 Injector Lines) BRAND NEW6.7L CUMMINS COMMON RAIL INJECTOR LINES- Set of 6 - FITS:2007 - 2018 Dodge 6.7L Cummins DieselOwn a 6.7L Cummins common rail engine? One disadvantage of common rail is that if you break one injection line, you are dead in the water! At this price, it might well be worth it to have an extra set under the seat! If your common rail fuel lines are rusty or you have already broken one, it might be wise to replace...

      Dodge Cummins 5.9L 1994-1998 12V P7100 P-pump Injection Line Set 3925810??, ?3925805, ?3925806, ?3925807, ?3925808, ?3925809, Dodge 5.9 injection lines, cummins 5.9 injection lines, dodge 5.9 injector lines, cummins 5.9L injector lines, P pump injection lines, P7100 injection line,
      Price: $269.95
      Availability: In Stock
      Item #: 9498PPx6 -

        Injection Line Set 5.9L Dodge Cummins Fits 1994 - 1998.5 Assembled with Clamps This injection line set fits the P7100 aka "P-pump" 6BT engines. For later trucks with VP pumps see related items below. Keep your venerable Dodge on the road with a complete set of new injector lines! 12 Valve Dodge Cummins Injector Lines Replace Part Numbers: 3925810, 3925805, 3925806, 3925807, 3925808, 3925809 ...

        Dodge Cummins 5.9L Jake Brake Vacuum Pump with Pulley Dodge Jake brake vacuum pump, Dodge exhuast brake vacuum pump, Cummins exhuast brake vacuum pump,  5.9L jake brake vacuum pump, dodge cummins vacuum pump, 5.9L cummins vacuum pump, 5.9L belt driven vacuum pump, 3965925, 5102084AA
        Price: $229.95
        Availability: In Stock
        Item #: L8057 -

          BRAND NEW 2003 - 2007 Dodge 5.9L CumminsJake Brake Vacuum Pump - Includes Pulley - This 5.9 Cummins vacuum pump is the highest quality available - at a fraction of the dealer cost! Investigation into why the original vacuum pumps for this application had such a high failure rate indicated that the vacuum pump was turning at too high of an RPM.  These pumps feature a re-designed slightly larger pulley so that the pump runs in the correct RPM range for maximum life expectancy. No change in...

          Dodge Cummins 5.9L VP44 Diesel Fuel Injection Line Set 24V Assembled w/ Clamps VP44 injector lines, VP44 injection lines, VP44 fuel injector lines, vP44 fuel injection lines, Cummins VP44 injection lines, cummins VP44 injector lines, 5.9L vp44 injection lines, 5.9 VP44 injector lines, 3943765, 3943773, 3943767, 3943771, 3943775, 3943769, vp44 injection lines with clamps, vp44 lines assembled
          Price: $379.95
          Availability: In Stock
          Item #: STVP44As -

            BRAND NEW DIESELFUEL INJECTION LINE SET - Cummins Fuel Lines Assembled with Clamps - - (6) Pieces - FITS:Dodge / Cummins Dieselwith VP44 Injection Pump1998.5 - 2002 These are the (6) lines that run from the injection pump to the fuel injectors. Got rusty lines? Replace them and make your truck reliable again! These 24V Cummins injector lines are assembled with clamps for quicker, easier installation. Replaces the following part numbers:3943765, 3943773, 3943767, 3943771, 3943775, 3943769 ...

            Dodge Cummins VP44 Diesel Fuel Injection Line Set 24V VP44 injector lines, VP44 injection lines, VP44 fuel injector lines, vP44 fuel injection lines, Cummins VP44 injection lines, cummins VP44 injector lines, 5.9L vp44 injection lines, 5.9 VP44 injector lines, 3943765, 3943773, 3943767, 3943771, 3943775, 3943769
            Price: $329.95
            Availability: In Stock
            Item #: STVP44 -

              BRAND NEW DIESELFUEL INJECTION LINE SET - (6) Pieces - FITS:Dodge / Cummins Dieselwith VP44 Injection Pump1998.5 - 2002 These are the (6) lines that run from the injection pump to the fuel injectors. Got rusty lines? Replace VP44 injector lines and make your truck reliable again! Replaces the following part numbers:3943765, 3943773, 3943767, 3943771, 3943775, 3943769 ...

              DT466 / 530 Fuel Injector Harness DT466 Harness, DT466 injector harness, DT466 fuel injector harness, I530 Injector harness, DT466 fuel injection harness, DT466 injection harness, 1889905C92, 1807455C91, 1807455C92, 1807285C91, 1889905c91, 30360R1, 1824908C1, 1807285C92, AP63464
              Price: $135.95
              Availability: In Stock
              Item #: AAP63464 -

                NEWDT466 / 530 Fuel Injector HarnessfitsNAVISTAR / INTERNATIONAL1994 - 2003 DT466 / DT466E / I530 / 530 / HT530Replaces the following part numbers:1889905C92 1807455C91 1807455C92 1807285C911889905c91 30360R1 1824908C1 1889905C911807285C92 AP63464This harness may develop intermittent or open electrical connections. Many times fuel injectors are falsely condemned when the root cause is the fuel injection harness. Many professionals now replace this harness when replacing the fuel injectors in...

                DT466 / 530 International Fuel Injector Oring Seal Kit DT466 Injector Seal kit, DT466 Injector Oring Kit, DT466E Injector Seal Kit, DT466E Injector Oring Kit, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, DT466 Injector O-ring Kit, DT466 Injector Orings, DT530 Injector Oring Kit, I530 Injector Seal Kit, HT530 Injector Seal Kit
                Price: $70.95
                Availability: In Stock
                Item #: AAP001+6x6 -

                  Navistar / International DT466 / DT530 / DT466E / I530 / HT530 Fuel Injector Seal Kit Fits 1994 - 2003  This fuel injector seal kit is offered for the first generation HEUI DT466 series engines. This fuel injector oring kit will not fit the early mechanical injector DT466, or the 2004 and newer G2.9 style injectors. Compare your injectors to those in the picture. They should look like a 7.3L Powerstroke injector with a two pin electrical connection and be located under the engine's valve...

                  DT466 / DT466E / I530 / HT530 International Navistar IPR Seal Kit  DT466 IPR Seal Kit, DT466E IPR Seal Kit. DT466 IPR O-ring Kit, DT530 IPR Seal kit, DT466 Injection pressure regulator seal kit, DT466E Injection Pressure Regulator valve seal kit
                  Price: $15.95
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Item #: D730024- -

                    DT466 IPR Repair Kit - You may not need a new IPR Valve! - fits 1994 - 2003 DT466, DT466E, I530, HT530 -The IPR Valve is responsible for controlling the pressure in the high-pressure oil system which in turn operates the fuel injectors. The IPR (injection pressure regulator) is located on the back of the high pressure oil pump. Because of the high pressures they are responsible for controlling, the IPR valve o-rings are a semi-common failure which will, in turn, result in such low oil pressure...

                    DT466 / DT466E IPR Valve  DT466 IPR, DT466E IPR, International DT466 IPR, Navistar DT466 IPR, DT466 Injection pressure regulator, DT466E Injection Pressure regulator, AP63402, F81Z9C968AA, F81Z9C968AB, F5TZ9C968A, PR315, CM5013,  182985C91, 1836412C91, 1841086C91, 1841217C91
                    Price: $152.95
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Item #: FPIPR101- -

                      BRAND NEWInternational / Navistar DT466E - IPR Valve - fits 1994 - 2004 The Injection Pressure Regulator valve is responsible for controlling the pressure in the high-pressure oil system which in turn operates the fuel injectors. The PCM varies ICP pressure (through adjusting the IPR duty cycle) as the primary means of controlling engine power output. The Navistar / International IPR Valve is located on the back of the high pressure oil pump. Common results of International IPR valve failure...

                      DT466 DT466E DT530 MaxxForce DT ICP Connector / Pigtail  DT466 ICPPigtail DT466E ICP Pigtail, DT530 ICP Pigtail, Maxxforce DT ICP Pigtail, DT466 ICP Connector, DT530 ICP Connector, Maxxforce ICP Connector, Navistar ICP Pigtail, Navistar ICP Connector
                      Price: $9.95
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Item #: AAP0021- -

                        ICP CONNECTOR / PIGTAIL Fits DT466 DT530 DT466E I530 HT530 DT570 HT570 also MaxxForce DT, MaxxForce 9, MaxxForce 10 (1994 - 2010) The Injection Control Pressure (ICP) pigtail frequently needs replacing on International / Navistar applications, often due to it becoming softened over time by oil leaking through a failing ICP sensor into the connector. The ICP is the most critical sensor on HEUI engines and poor connections here will cause a myriad of driveability issues including stalling,...

                        DT466 DT466E DT530 MaxxForce DT IPR Connector / Pigtail  DT466 IPR Pigtail, DT466 IPR Connector, DT466E IPR Pigtail, DT466E IPR Connector, DT530 IPR Pigtail, DT466 injection pressure regulator connector, DT466E Injection pressure regualator connector
                        Price: $9.95
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Item #: AAP0068--- -

                          IPR Valve PIGTAIL Fits DT466 DT530 DT466E I530 HT530 DT570 HT570 also MaxxForce DT, MaxxForce 9, MaxxForce 10 (1994 - 2013)  The IPR valve is the most critical actuator on HEUI engines and loose connections here will cause a myriad of driveability issues including stalling, no-start, etc. This MaxxForce IPR valve pigtail is unique as compared to most on the market in that it uses OEM terminals - most IPR pigtails use an aftermarket / import terminal and if you look at them closely you...

                          DT466 DT570 MaxxForce DT / 9 / 10 G2.9 Fuel Injector Seal Kit G2.9 Injector seal kit, G2.9 Injector install kit, G2.9 Injector installation kit, DT466 Injector installation kit, DT570 injector installation kit, Maxxforce DT injector intallation kit, Maxxforce 9 injector installation kit, maxxforce 10 injector installation kit, 1842624C92, AP0026
                          Price: $39.95
                          Availability: In Stock
                          Item #: R757x6 -

                            G2.9 Injector Seal Kit- Complete for 6 Injectors - Includes:- Injector Body O-rings (2 per injector)- Tip GasketsFITS:2004 - 2017 Navistar DT466DT570MaxxForce DTMaxxforce 9Maxxforce 10Maxxforce N9Maxxforce N10Replaces Part Numbers:1842624C92, AP0026IMPORTANTThis listing does NOT include an injector. The injector picture is shown to illustrate the type of injector that this fuel injector o-ring kit is used with! ...

                            DT466 International Diesel Injector / Injection Pump Installation Kit DT466 Injector Installation Kit, DT466 Injection pump installation kit, International DT466 injector installation kit, DPE46600, DT466 injector seal kit, DT466 injector install kit
                            Price: $30.95
                            Availability: In Stock
                            Item #: DPE46600 -

                              DT466 Mechanical InjectionInjector / Injection Pump Installation Kit- Includes all gaskets, seals, hose, clamps, washers, etc normally required when replacing the pump and fuel injectors -

                              DT466E / DT466 Navistar High Pressure Oil Pump HPOP 020x DT466 HPOP, DT466E HPOP, DT466 High Pressure oil pump, DT466E High Pressure oil pump, DT466 Navistar High Pressure Oil Pump, DT466 International High Pressure Oil Pump, 1830177c92, 1842722c91 6.5cc
                              Price: $709.95
                              Availability: In Stock
                              Item #: BT020x -

                                Professionally RemanufacturedHIGH PRESSURE OIL PUMP- One Year Warranty -INCLUDES:- HPOP Mounting Gaskets- IPR SEAL KITfits1994 - 1999 I530 - 230 to 300 HP only2000 - 2003 DT466 / DT530 / HT530 - 230 to 300 HP onlyOur remanufactured Navistar / International high pressure oil pumps start with genuine Bosch cores and are fully tested to meet all specifications before packaging and shipment. Navistar DT466E HPOP replaces the following part numbers1830177921842722C91and others Please note that this...

                                DT466E / DT466 Navistar High Pressure Oil Pump HPOP 021x DT466 HPOP, DT466E HPOP, DT466 High Pressure oil pump, DT466E High Pressure oil pump, HPOP021X, 1825681C95, 1842721C91, DT466 Navistar High Pressure Oil Pump, DT466 International High Pressure Oil Pump
                                Price: $709.95
                                Availability: In Stock

                                  Professionally RemanufacturedHIGH PRESSURE OIL PUMP- One Year Warranty -INCLUDES:- HPOP Mounting Gaskets- IPR SEAL KITfits1994 - 1999 DT466E - 175 to 230 HP only2000 - 2003 DT466 - 175 to 230 HP onlyOur remanufactured DT466E and DT466 high pressure oil pump start with genuine Bosch cores and are fully tested to meet all specifications before packaging and shipment. This high pressure oil pump international DT466E part replaces the following part numbers1825681C951842721C91and others Please...

                                  Duramax DEF Injector LML / LGH  12635928, 12640359, DFI2, 904435 , EM1203IJ, 12647372, 0440210302, 0 440 210 302,  Duramax DEF Injector, LML Duramax DEF Injector, LML DEF injector, Duramax def nozzle,
                                  Price: $99.95
                                  Availability: In Stock
                                  Item #: 12647372 -

                                    BRAND NEWDEF Injector FITS 2011 - 2016 LML / LGH Duramax The Duramax DEF injector is part of the SCR (selective catalytic reduction system) and is responsible for the injection of the Diesel Exhaust fluid into the exhaust stream to aid in lowering emissions. Replaces many part numbers including the following: 12635928, 12640359, DFI2, 904435 , EM1203IJ, 12647372, 0440210302, 0 440 210 302 ...

                                    Duramax Diesel Techs Injector Block-Off Cap SET fits LB7 LLY LBZ LMM LML LGH injector block off tool set, injector block off tool cummins, injector block off tool 5.9L, injector block off 6.7L, injector block off cap cummins, injector block off cap 5.9L, injector block off cap 6.7L
                                    Price: $68.95
                                    Availability: In Stock
                                    Item #: ATS-9011-9864-1116 -

                                      DuramaxInjector Block-Off Tool KITfits2001 - 2016 Chevy / GMC DuramaxAre you the local Duramax expert? Be prepared for any Dmax that rolls in the door with this three-piece injector block off tool kit. - The cap on the left fits 2001 - 2005 LB7 and LLY- The middle cap fits 2006 - 2010 LBZ and LMM- The cap on the right fits 2011 - 2016 LML and LGHINJECTOR BLOCK OFF TOOL NOTE: The LB7 cap will also work on 2003 - 2007 5.9L Cummins. The LBZ/LMM cap will also work on 2007 - 2017 6.7L Cummins...

                                      Duramax Diesel VGT Solenoid Actuator LLY LBZ LMM LML Duramax VGT Solenoid, Duramax VGT Actuator, LLY VGT Solenoid, LBZ VGT Solenoid, LMM VGT Solenoid, 98061571, Duramax turbo actuator, Duramax turbo solenoid, duramax turbocharger actuator,, 904-268, Garrett 792593-0001
                                      Price: $109.95
                                      Availability: In Stock
                                      Item #: IM904268-1 -

                                        BRAND NEWDuramax DieselVGT SOLENOIDfitsGM / Chevy / GMC2004.5 - 2016 Duramax (LLY, LBZ, LMM, and LML)2004 - 2009 Topkick and Kodiak 4500 - 8500 (6.6L and 7.8L)Note to 2004 owners only: This Duramax VGT solenoid actuator will only fit late 2004 models equipped with the LLY engine. To ensure that you have the LLY engine, please verify that the eighth digit of your VIN is a "2".Garrett's variable geometry turbocharger allows one turbo to effectively take the place of two. At low RPM's the vanes...

                                        Duramax L5P Diesel Injector Block-Off Tool / Cap   L5P Injector Cap, L5P Duramx Injector Cap, L5P injector block off tool, L5P Duramax Injector block off tool
                                        Price: $24.95
                                        Availability: In Stock
                                        Item #: ATS67CAP- -

                                          L5P DuramaxInjector Block-Off Toolfits2017 - 2021 L5P DuramaxThis L5P fuel rail tester cap tool is a "must have" for anyone who works on newer Duramax common rail fuel systems. When a 6.6L engine will not start, one of the first things to check is fuel rail pressure. If the pressure is below spec, one of the most likely causes is a defective injector that is returning excess fuel back to the tank. A return flow volume test will verify if excessive return flow is the problem. This cap is then...

                                          Duramax LB7 Glow Plug Super Kit - Glow plugs, Relay, Straps LB7 Glow Plugs, Duramax Glow Plugs, LB7 Duramax Glow Plugs LB7 Glow Plug Set, LB7 Glow plug bus bar, LB7 Glow plug straps, LB7 glow plug rails, LB7 Glow Plug Kit, Duramax glow plug kit, LB7 Super Glow Plug Kit, LB7 Glow Plug Relay, 97371491
                                          Price: $225.95
                                          Availability: In Stock
                                          Item #: G058x8+D109+D413 -

                                            LB7 Duramax - Glow Plug Super Kit - Includes:(8) Premium Dual-Coil USA Glow Plugs(2) Glow Plug Straps (1) Glow Plug / Air Intake Heater Relay LB7 Duramax Starting hard? Maybe it's time to make the whole glow plug system new again - we make it easy with our super kit - everything you need in one purchase!For 2001 - 2004 LB7 Chevy / GMC Duramax(FEDERAL EMISSIONS ONLY - WILL NOT FIT CALIFORNIA MODELS)If you have a 2004 Duramax you will need to verify if it is an LB7 or LLY. If the eighth digit of...

                                            Duramax LB7 Injector Return Banjo Bolts LB7 Banjo bolt, LB7 Banjo bolts, LB7 Banjo bolt set, LB7 return banjo bolts, LB7 return banjo bolt, LB7 Duramax banjo bolt, LB7 Duramax Banjo bolts, LB7 Duramax return banjo bolt, LB7 Duramax return banjo bolts, 97228929, LB7 Banjo bolt set, AP0059
                                            Price: $59.95
                                            Availability: In Stock
                                            Item #: ATS661 -

                                              LB7 Duramax Injector Fuel Return Banjo Bolts Brand new complete set of eight. These LB7 banjo bolts connect the fuel return rail under the valve cover to the fuel injectors. The allen head has a tendency to strip out during removal as in the picture below. Note the plier marks around the exterior where our customer was forced to use vise grips during removal. Re-using a stripped or partially stripped bolt is dangerous because if proper torque is not achieved an internal fuel leak will develop...

                                              Duramax LB7 LLY FICM Fuel Injection Control Module Banjo Washer Seal Set 98340724, LB7 FICM Washer, LB7 FICM Washers, LB7 FICM Banjo seals, LB7 FICM Banjo washers, LB7 fuel injection control module banjo washers, LB7 fuel injection control module banjo seals, LLY fiCM Module seals, LLY FICM Banjo washers, Duramax FICM Banjo seals, Duramax FICM Banjo washers
                                              Price: $4.95
                                              Availability: In Stock
                                              Item #: ATS-4130(4x) -

                                                LB7 / LLY Duramax FICM Banjo Washer Set fits 2001 - 2005 LB7 and LLY Duramax route the fuel lines to the engine through the Fuel Injection Control Module (FICM) for cooling purposes. Anytime the lines are removed (such as when replacing injectors) the washers should be replaced to prevent fuel leaks. The factory uses a joined upper/lower washer for installation convenience, but they are bare steel. Our rubberized fuel injector washers create a more reliable seal. Our kit includes (4) washers...

                                                Duramax LB7 LLY LBZ LMM CP3 Rebuild Seal Kit cp3 repair kit, duramax cp3 repair kit, cp3 rebuild kit, duramax cp3 rebuild kit, cp3 seal kit, duramax cp3 seal kit, lb7 cp3 rebuid kit, lly cp3 rebuild kit, lbz cp3 rebuild kit, lmm cp3 rebuild kit, lb7 cp3 seal kit, lly cp3 seal kit, lbz cp3 seal kit, lmm cp3 seal kit
                                                Price: $25.95
                                                Availability: In Stock
                                                Item #: ATS13702 -

                                                  Duramax LB7 LLY LBZ LMM - CP3 Repair Kit - PROFESSIONAL GRADE Duramax CP3 Rebuild Seal Kit Includes:  All internal o-ringsDrive-shaft lip seals (2)Transfer pump lip sealCheckballs (3)Brass sealing washers (2)Protective caps (3) While CP3 repair is not usually considered a "DIY" project, sometimes minor issues such as a leak can be corrected in the field. For more major concerns additional hard parts, special tools, and test equipment will be required for a complete repair. We also stock...

                                                  Duramax LB7 LLY LBZ LMM LML FCA MPROP Fuel Pressure Regulator Connector Pigtail Duramax MPROP connector, LB7 MPROP connector, LLY MPROP Connector, LBZ MPROP Connector, LMM MPROP Connecto, LML MPROP Connector, LB7 MPROP Pigtail, LLY MPROP Pigtail, LBZ MPROP Pigtail, LMM MPROP Pigtail, LML MPROP Pigtailr
                                                  Price: $14.95
                                                  Availability: In Stock
                                                  Item #: IM-0150- -

                                                    DURAMAX FCA / MPROP Connector Pigtail Fits 2001 - 2016 LB7 LLY LBZ LMM LML and LGH The fuel pressure regulator mounted to the back of the Chevy /GMC CP3 pump goes by a variety of names including:MPROPFCAInjection Pressure RegulatorFuel Pressure RegulatorFuel Control ActuatorMeasuring Unit Regardless of the name, this is the pigtail / mating connector for it!  We specifically remember one truck that had some odd intermittent issues. We finally found that if we reached down and touched the...

                                                    Duramax LB7 LLY LBZ LMM MPROP O-ring Seal Kit  MPROP Orings, MPROP O-rings, MPROP Seal Kit, FCA Orings, FCA O-rings, FCA Seal Kit, Duramax MPROP Seal Kit, Duramax FCA Seal Kit, LB7 MPROP Seal Kit, LB7 FCA Seal Kit, LLY MPROP Seal Kit, LLY FCA Seal Kit, LBZ MPROP Seal Kit, LBZ FCA Seal Kit, LMM FCA Seal Kit
                                                    Price: $3.95
                                                    Availability: In Stock
                                                    Item #: ST141/05- -

                                                      DURAMAX LB7 LLY LBZ LMM MPROP / FCA Seal Kit Fits 2001 - 2010 This o-ring kit consists of the (2) o-rings that fit the Fuel Injection Pressure regulator attached to the rear of the CP3 Pump by (3) T-25 Torx head screws. This part is called by many names including: MPROPFCAInjection Pressure RegulatorFuel Pressure RegulatorFuel Control ActuatorMeasuring Unit The function of the injector pressure regulator is to control the output pressure of the high pressure CP3 fuel pump. Anytime the MPROP is...

                                                      Duramax LB7 Lower Valve Cover Bolt Set  LB7 Valve cover bolt, lb7 valve cover bolts, duramax valve cover bolts, LB7 duramax valve cover bolts, lb7 lower valve cover bolts, lb7 duramax lower valve cover bolts
                                                      Price: $14.95
                                                      Availability: In Stock
                                                      Item #: ATS-LB724L -

                                                        LB7 DuramaxLower LB7 Duramax Valve Cover Bolt Set Complete Set for BOTH Sides fits 2001 - 2004.5 LB7 Duramax Diesel Valve Cover bolts incorporate an Allen head and are notorious for rounding out during the removal process. It is advisable to void re-using partially stripped hardware which will only make the process that much more difficult the next time around! Our lower valve cover / rocker box bolts incorporate an external hex head which is much stronger and less likely to strip plus being...

                                                        Duramax LB7 Upper Valve Cover Bolt Set  LB7 Valve cover bolt, lb7 valve cover bolts, duramax valve cover bolts, LB7 duramax valve cover bolts, lb7 upper valve cover bolts, lb7 duramax upper valve cover bolts,
                                                        Price: $13.95
                                                        Availability: In Stock
                                                        Item #: ATS-LB722U -

                                                          LB7 Duramax Upper Valve Cover Bolt Set Complete Set for BOTH Sides fits 2001 - 2004.5 LB7 Duramax Diesel Valve Cover bolts incorporate an Allen head and are notorious for rounding out during the removal process. It is advisable to void re-using partially stripped hardware which will only make the process that much more difficult the next time around! We also offer a complete set of Upper and Lower Duramax valve cover bolts - see related items below. ...

                                                          Duramax LB7 Valve Cover Bolt Set - Upper and Lower LB7 Valve cover bolt, lb7 valve cover bolts, duramax valve cover bolts, LB7 duramax valve cover bolts, lb7 upper valve cover bolts, lb7 duramax upper valve cover bolts, lb7 lower valve cover bolts, lb7 duramax lower valve cover bolts
                                                          Price: $26.95
                                                          Availability: In Stock
                                                          Item #: ATS-LB722U24L -

                                                            LB7 Duramax Valve Cover Bolt Set Upper and Lower Complete Set for BOTH Sides fits 2001 - 2004.5 LB7 Duramax Valve Cover bolts incorporate an Allen head and are notorious for rounding out during the removal process. It is advisable to void re-using partially stripped hardware which will only make the process that much more difficult the next time around! Our lower rocker box / valve cover bolt set incorporates an external hex head which is much stronger and less likely to strip plus being...

                                                            Duramax LB7 Valve Cover Gaskets LB7 Valve Cover Gaskets, LB7 Duramax Valve Cover Gaskets, LB7 Duramax Lower Valve cover gaskets, LB7 Lower Valve cover gaskets, D97188896, Chevy Duramax LB7 Valve cover gaskets, LB7 Rocker box gaskets,
                                                            Price: $32.95
                                                            Availability: In Stock
                                                            Item #: DD97188896 -

                                                              Duramax Diesel Lower Valve Cover Gasket SET- for all 2001 to 2004 models -These high-quality LB7 valve cover gasket sets are an essential item when changing injectors.Add injector installation kit below and have everything needed to install your injectors.

                                                              Duramax LBZ / LMM CP3 Pump - Remanufactured LBZ CP3, LMM CP3, LBZ CP3 Pump, LMM CP3 Pump, LBZ Duramax CP3, LMM Duramax CP3, LBZ fuel pump, LMM Fuel Pump, LBZ High pressure pump, LMM High pressure pump
                                                              Price: $595.00
                                                              Availability: In Stock
                                                              Item #: DDT97361351R -

                                                                Duramax LBZ / LMM 6.6L CP3 Injection Pump - Fits 2006 - 2010 trucks - Remanufactured to exacting specifications by a Tier 1 remanufacturer in an ISO / IATF quality certified facility. Before purchasing this LBZ CP3 injection pump, please verify that the eighth digit of your VIN is either a "D" or a "6". Includes the O-ring that fits between the CP3 Pump and the flange adapter and the large o-ring that fits between the flange adapter and the engine. Also includes the MPROP / FCA Fuel Pressure...

                                                                Duramax LBZ Performance Injector - S&S Diesel Motorsport Duramax LBZ Performance Injector, Duramax LBZ Performance Injectors, LBZ Performance Injector, LBZ Performance Injectors,  Bosch LBZ Performance injectors, BMS LBZ Injectors, Bosch Motorsports LBZ Injectors, Oversize LBZ Injectors, Bigger LBZ Injectors, 50HP LBZ Injectors, 100HP LBZ Injectors, 65% over LBZ Injectors, 100% over LBZ Injectors,
                                                                Price: $417.50
                                                                Availability: In Stock
                                                                Item #: B0445120042P -

                                                                  GENUINE S&S Diesel Motorsport LBZ Duramax Diesel Injectors - Available in NEW or Remanufactured - Torquemaster, 60 HP, 100 HP, and Larger! For those customers who are seeking the very best performance injectors on the market, we are pleased to offer genuine S&S Diesel Motorsport Fuel Injectors. S&S is in a unique class at the top of the industry for their integrity and commitment to doing things right. When second best will not do, chose #SSfueled - Incorporating all of the most recent updates...

                                                                  Duramax LLY CP3 Pump  LLY CP3 Pump, Duramax LLY CP3 Pump, LLY CP3, Duramax LLY CP3, Remanufactured LLY CP3, Rebuilt LLY CP3, 2004 Duramax CP3, 2005 Duramax CP3, LLY injector pump, LLY Fuel Pump, LLY Fuel injector pump, LLY Fuel injection pump, LLY Diesel CP3, LLY Diesel Pump
                                                                  Price: $595.00
                                                                  Availability: In Stock
                                                                  Item #: DDT97303762R -

                                                                    Duramax LLY CP3 Injection Pump Remanufactured in the USA - Fits 2004.5 - 2005 trucks - Before purchasing this Duramax injection pump, please verify that the eighth digit of your VIN is a "2" Includes the O-ring that fits between the CP3 Pump and the flange adapter and the large o-ring that fits between the flange adapter and the engine. Also includes the MPROP / FCA Fuel Pressure Regulator as pictured. Please note that a $250 core charge will be added to each order. This amount is fully...

                                                                    Duramax LLY Diesel Glow Plug Set - Fits 2004.5 - 2005 LLY Glow Plugs, LLY Glow Plug, LLY Duramax glow plugs, 2004 duramax glow plugs, 2005 Duramax glow plugs, 97326305, 63g, 80042, 0250203010, GP115
                                                                    Price: $119.95
                                                                    Availability: Currently out of stock - sorry!
                                                                    Item #: STGX2137 -

                                                                      DURAMAXLLY GLOW PLUG SETFITS2004.5 - 2005Attention LLY owners - many glow plugs being sold online for the LLY Duramax application are NOT the correct part. While most are dimensionally correct and will physically fit, you will likely find yourself with a truck that starts harder than before you changed the glow plugs. If the glow plugs you are being offered at a lower price elsewhere are advertised as also fitting the LB7 application, do not buy them. The LB7 and LLY glow plugs have different...

                                                                      Duramax LLY LBZ LMM LML Injector Connector Pigtail  Duramax Injector Connector, LLY Injector Connector, LBZ Injector Connector, LMM Injector Connector, Duramax LLY  Injector Connector, Duramax LBZ Injector connector, Duramax LMM Injector Connector
                                                                      Price: $11.95
                                                                      Availability: In Stock
                                                                      Item #: IM-0150-- -

                                                                        DURAMAX Injector Connector Pigtail Fits 2004.5 - 2016  LLY LBZ LMM , and LML The wiring connector at the injector is a common source of issues on the LLY, LBZ, and LMM Duramax engines with injectors #2 and #7 being the most likely to cause problems and set injector circuit codes, possibly even triggering limp-in mode. Many injectors have been needlessly replaced over the years when the true source of the problem was a poor connection that could have easily been remedied with a new Duramax...

                                                                        Duramax LLY Performance Injector - S&S Diesel Motorsport Duramax LLY Performance Injector, Duramax LLY Performance Injectors, LLY Performance Injector, LLY Performance Injectors,  Bosch LLY Performance injectors, BMS LLY Injectors, Bosch Motorsports LLY Injectors, Oversize LLY Injectors, Bigger LLLY Injectors, 50HP LLY Injectors, 100HP LLY Injectors, 65% over LLY Injectors, 100% over LLY Injectors,
                                                                        Price: $326.25
                                                                        Availability: In Stock
                                                                        Item #: B0445120027P -

                                                                          GENUINE S&S Diesel Motorsport LLY Duramax Diesel Injectors - Available in NEW or Remanufactured - Torquemaster, 60 HP, 100 HP, and Larger! For those customers who are seeking the very best performance injectors on the market, we are pleased to offer genuine S&S Diesel Motorsport Fuel Injectors. S&S is in a unique class at the top of the industry for their integrity and commitment to doing things right. When second best will not do, chose #SSfueled - Incorporating all of the most recent updates...

                                                                          Duramax LML / LGH Fuel Injector Return Quick Connect Fitting LML Return fitting, LGH return fitting, 12639000, lml duramax injector return fitting, lml duramax injector return connector, lml duramax return line, lml duramax injector return line, lml duramax injector return hose, lml duramax quick connector injector return,
                                                                          Price: $22.95
                                                                          Availability: In Stock
                                                                          Item #: ST60.151/ -

                                                                            LML / LGHDURAMAX DIESELInjector Return FittingFits:2011 - 2016 6.6L DuramaxNote: This listing is for (1) Fitting, (1) Foot of hose, and clamps. Three fittings are shown above. You will need to select the fitting you need from the options below when purchasing.Were you replacing an injector and accidentally broke a fuel injector return line connector? It is very easy to do as they are plastic and when they get full of grit and grime can be very challenging to release. In the past, your only...

                                                                            Duramax LML Diesel Exhaust Fluid DEF Heater (2011) LML DEF heater, Duramax LML DEF heater, Duramax def heater, LML diesel exhaust fluid heater, F01C600307, 5D1001L, 23379346, 22902619, 22783125, EM1206URH
                                                                            Price: $189.95
                                                                            Availability: Currently out of stock - sorry!
                                                                            Item #: IM17006 -

                                                                              LML / LGH Duramax DEF Fluid Heater (includes tank nut, tank seal and hardware kit) Fits 2011 Chevy / GMC Silverado and Sierra Commonly called the "DEF Heater", the diesel exhaust fluid heater is located in the DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid / Urea) tank and actually contains the pickup tube for the reductant pump module, an electric heating element, a temperature sensor, a pressure sensor, and an electrode-type level sensor. GM terms the whole unit the "reservoir kit, emission reduction fluid...

                                                                              Duramax LML LGH DEF Heater OEM GM (2012 - 2016) 84412924, 22872118, 22902620, 23379348, F01C600337, DFH106, 5D1003L , EM1212URH, LML def heater, Duramax DEF heater, LML def reservoir
                                                                              Price: $169.95
                                                                              Availability: In Stock
                                                                              Item #: 84412924 -

                                                                                OEM GM / Bosch Duramax DEF FLUID HEATER Fits 2012 - 2016 LML / LGH Silverado and Sierra (includes tank nut, tank seal and hardware kit) Commonly called the "DEF Heater", the diesel exhaust fluid heater is located in the DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid / Urea) tank and actually contains the pickup tube for the reductant pump module, an electric heating element, a temperature sensor, a pressure sensor, and an electrode-type level sensor. GM terms the whole unit the "reservoir kit, emission reduction...

                                                                                Duramax LMM Injector LMM Injector, Duramax LMM Injector, Chevy Duramax LMM Injector, LMM Injectors, Duramax LMM Injectors, Chevy Duramax LMM Injectors, 0445120082, 0986435520, 98002368, Bosch LMM Injector, Bosch LMM Injectors
                                                                                Price: $374.95
                                                                                Availability: In Stock
                                                                                Item #: B0445120082 -

                                                                                  LMM Fuel Injector fits 2007.5 - 2010 Duramax Diesel with LMM Engine Genuine OEM Bosch LMM Duramax Injectors - remanufactured by Bosch. There is no better Duramax injector replacement. Changing Duramax injectors is easy! (To verify that these are the correct injectors for your truck, check the eight digit of the VIN - if you have an LMM engine, it will be a "6") Each replacement LMM injector comes with the body O-ring and copper tip gasket, ready for installation. Part Numbers: 0445120082,...

                                                                                  Duramax LMM Performance Injector Duramax LMM Performance Injector, Duramax LMM Performance Injectors, LMM Performance Injector, LMM Performance Injectors,  Bosch LMMPerformance injectors, BMS LMM Injectors, Bosch Motorsports LMM Injectors, Oversize LMM Injectors, Bigger LMM Injectors, 50HP LMM Injectors, 100HP LMM Injectors, 65% over LMM Injectors, 100% over LMM Injectors,
                                                                                  Price: $422.50
                                                                                  Availability: Build to Order
                                                                                  Item #: B0445120082P -

                                                                                    GENUINE S&S Diesel Motorsport LMM Duramax Diesel Injectors - Available in NEW or Remanufactured - Torquemaster, 60 HP, 100 HP, and Larger! For those customers who are seeking the very best performance injectors on the market, we are pleased to offer genuine S&S Diesel Motorsport Fuel Injectors. S&S is in a unique class at the top of the industry for their integrity and commitment to doing things right. When second best will not do, chose #SSfueled - Incorporating all of the most recent updates...

                                                                                    Duramax Turbo Vane Position Sensor LLY LBZ LMM LML Duramax Turbo position sensor, Duramax turbocharger position sensor, LBZ Turbo position sensor, LMM Turbo position sensor, LML Turbo position sensor, 763527-0712, 12643471, 12635324, 98011739, 98061570,  904-235, 763527-0007, 19210790, LLY Turbo position sensor, LLY turbo vane position sensor
                                                                                    Price: $49.95
                                                                                    review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
                                                                                    Availability: In Stock
                                                                                    Item #: ATS12635324 -

                                                                                      BRAND NEW DURAMAX LLY LBZ LMM LML Turbo Vane Position Sensorfits 2004.5 - 2016 This sensor is a common weak point on the Duramax engines. When it fails the engine computer is no longer able to keep track of the position of the variable geometry turbo. Depending on which position the LLY duramax turbo vanes are stuck in, you may experience low power either at the low or high end of the RPM range. Black smoke and turbo position sensor codes are other common symptoms. However, it is highly...

                                                                                      Duramax VGT Solenoid Connector / Pigtail - Fits LLY / LBZ/ LMM Duramax VGT pigtail, LLY VGT pigtail, LBZ VGT Pigtail, LMM VGT pigtail, LLY VGT Connector, LBZ VGT Connector, LMM VGT Connector
                                                                                      Price: $9.95
                                                                                      Availability: In Stock
                                                                                      Item #: AAP0068-- -

                                                                                        VGT SOLENOID / ACTUATOR PIGTAIL Fits LLY, LBZ, and LMM Duramax (2004 - 5 - 2010) Due to the high-heat location of the VGT solenoid location, the integrity of the VGT connector is often compromised over time leading to turbo codes and incorrect boost levels This VGT solenoid pigtail is unique as compared to most on the market in that it uses OEM terminals - most VGT pigtails use an aftermarket / import terminal and if you look at them closely you will see they are very misshapen. Genuine OEM...

                                                                                        Early 5.9L Dodge Cummins Diesel Injector Installation Kit 12v Cummins injector installation kit, 12 valve cummins injector installation kit, 12v cummins injector install kit, 12 valve cummins injector install kit, DPE59000, Dodge cummins 12v injector installation kit, Dodge cummins 12 valve injector installation kit, 4BT injector installation kit, 6BT injector installation kit
                                                                                        Price: $21.95
                                                                                        Availability: In Stock
                                                                                        Item #: DDPE59000 -

                                                                                          Dodge / Cummins 5.9L Injector Installation Kit for 1991.5 - 1998.5 12 Valve ApplicationsCummins 12 Valve Injector Install Kit includes:(6) Injector Dust Seal (6) Joined banjo washers for return connections(18) Copper Chamber (Tip) Gaskets (7 mm)(6) Dust BootsNOTE: There are three sets of copper washers included - each is a different thickness. Select the correct thickness for your application by matching your old washers. These parts should ALWAYS be replaced when your injectors are removed...

                                                                                          EcoDiesel 3.0L Fuel Injector Return Line Fitting 68229388AA, Ecodiesel return connector, ecodiesel return fitting, ecodiesel injector return fitting, ecodiesel injector return connector, ecodiesel fuel injector return fitting, ecodiesel fuel injector return connector, ecodiesel injector return harness, ram ecodiesel injector return fitting, jeep ecodiesel injector return fitting, 3.0L Ecodiesel injector return fitting,
                                                                                          Price: $22.95
                                                                                          Availability: In Stock
                                                                                          Item #: ST-151/9 -

                                                                                            Fuel Injector Return Fitting fits 2014 - Present Ram 1500, Jeep Grand Cherokee, and Ram Promaster with 3.0L Ecodiesel engine The fuel injector return line connectors are very fragile and easily broken on the Eco Diesel application. Unfortunately, the OEM dealer network only offers the full return harness which is quite costly at a list of around $250. We are now able to offer individual return connectors to get you back on the road at a much lower expense.Ecodiesel injector return fittings...

                                                                                            EcoDiesel 3.0L Fuel Injector Return Line Fitting Hose Kit  68229388AA, Ecodiesel return connector, ecodiesel return fitting, ecodiesel injector return fitting, ecodiesel injector return connector, ecodiesel fuel injector return fitting, ecodiesel fuel injector return connector, ecodiesel injector return harness, ram ecodiesel injector return fitting, jeep ecodiesel injector return fitting, 3.0L Ecodiesel injector return fitting, ecodiesel fuel injector return line kit,
                                                                                            Price: $89.95
                                                                                            Availability: In Stock
                                                                                            Item #: ATS(4)94+(2)93+6ft -

                                                                                              Fuel Injector Return Fitting / Hose Kit fits 2014 - Present Ram 1500, Jeep Grand Cherokee, and Ram Promaster with 3.0L Ecodiesel engine The fuel injector return line connectors are very fragile and easily broken on the Eco Diesel application. Unfortunately, the OEM dealer network only offers the full return harness which is quite costly at a list of around $250. Our fuel return line kit includes all six fittings (Four "T" fittings and two "L" Fittings) as well as six feet of hose. Note that it...

                                                                                              Ecodiesel 3.0L Glow Plug Set (Grand Cherokee / Ram) Ecodiesel glow plug, ecodiesel glow plugs, ecodiesel 3.0L glow plugs, ecodiesel 3.0 glow plugs, dodge ecodiesel glow plugs, jeep ecodiesel glow plugs, 68211173AA, 68460484AA, 68460484AB, HDS455, 46072020F, D6070054A, 0250603008, 0 250 603 008, GLP199
                                                                                              Price: $109.95
                                                                                              Availability: Currently out of stock - sorry!
                                                                                              Item #: ST3136x6 -

                                                                                                Ecodiesel 3.0L Glow Plug Replacement Set (Grand Cherokee / Ram)Brand NEW EcoDiesel Glow Plug Replacement (Set of 6) - Dual Coil Design - APPLICATIONS (with 3.0L Eco Diesel) 2014 - 2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee 2014 - 2019 Ram Pickup These glow plugs are made in Italy - the same country where your EcoDiesel engine was manufactured! What is a "dual coil" glow plug? Dual Coil Glow plugs, as their name implies, have two heating elements instead of just one. The addition of an extra coil allows the glow...

                                                                                                Ecodiesel 3.0L Ram 1500 / Grand Cherokee / Promaster Diesel Injector Block-Off Tool / Cap EcoDiesel injector block off cap, ecodiesel injector cap, dodge ecodiesel injector cap, eco diesel injector cap, ecodiesel rail cap, 3.0 ecodiesel block off cap, 3.0L ecodiesel block off cap, ram ecodiesel block off cap, ram 1500 diesel injector block off cap
                                                                                                Price: $26.95
                                                                                                Availability: In Stock
                                                                                                Item #: ATS30ED-CAP -

                                                                                                  Injector Block-Off Toolfits2014 - Present Ram 1500, Grand Cherokee, and Ram Promaster with 3.0L Ecodiesel engine This injector cap tool is a "must have" for anyone who works on the VM Ecodiesel 3.0L V6 common rail fuel system. When an Ecodiesel engine will not start, one of the first things to check is fuel rail pressure. If the pressure is less than spec, one of the most likely causes is a defective injector that is returning excess fuel back to the tank. A return flow volume test will verify...

                                                                                                  Ecodiesel Injector Installaton Seal Kit Ecodiesel injector seal kit, ecodiesel injector installation kit, ecodiesel injector install kit, ram ecodiesel injector installation kit, ram ecodiesel injector seal kit, jeep ecodiesel injector installation kit, jeep ecodiesel injector install kit, jeep ecodiesel injector oring kit
                                                                                                  Price: $28.95
                                                                                                  Availability: In Stock
                                                                                                  Item #: ATS-30ED -

                                                                                                    Injector Installation Kit fits 2014 - Present Ram 1500, Grand Cherokee, and Ram Promaster with 3.0L Ecodiesel engine These hard-to find parts are a necessity when changing the fuel injectors on your 3.0L Ecodiesel. This diesel injector seal kit includes (6) Injector return connector o-rings, and (6) injector tip gaskets. We also carry other parts for the Ecodiesel - Injectors, injector return connectors, DEF system parts and more. ...

                                                                                                    Emergency Fuel Injection Line Emergency Injection Lines, Emergency injector line, Emergency fuel injection line, emergency fuel injector line, emergency diesel fuel injection line, temporary diesel fuel injection line, universal diesel fuel injection line, flexible diesel injection line
                                                                                                    Price: $65.95
                                                                                                    Availability: In Stock
                                                                                                    Item #: DDPE96025 -

                                                                                                      EMERGENCY Injection Line Have a Broken Diesel Injection Line?This temporary fuel injector line replacement will get you up and running! Not intended as a permanent injector pipe repair but works great as a temporary fuel line fix until you can find an original line. Works on the following applications:GM 5.7L, 6.2L and 6.5L (Both mechanical and electronic pump models)Ford 6.9L and 7.3L IDIVW 1.5L / 1.6L / 1.9LMANYAgriculturalIndustrialand Marine Applicationswith 12 mm or 14mm connections....

                                                                                                      Ford 6.0L FICM Connector Pin Terminal Removal Tool ficm connector, FICM connector replacement,  FICM connector terminal removal tool, FICM connector terminal extraction tool
                                                                                                      Price: $5.95
                                                                                                      Availability: In Stock
                                                                                                      Item #: ATS40105 -

                                                                                                        6.0L Powerstroke FICM Connector Pin Extraction Tool When replacing a FICM connector, disengaging the terminals from the plastic connector body without damaging the terminal or the connector can be a bit of challenge. This Ford connector pin removal tool makes the job much easier and cuts the time to complete the job dramatically - the tool more than pays for itself in time saved in one job!

                                                                                                        Ford 6.0L HPOP Discharge Tube / High Pressure Oil Line Disconnect Tool  HPOP Disconnect Tool, STC disconnect tool, 6.0L Discharge Tube Disconnect tool, 6.0 Powerstroke J tube disconnect tool, 6.0L high pressure oil line disconnect tool
                                                                                                        Price: $15.95
                                                                                                        Availability: In Stock
                                                                                                        Item #: BTL3- -

                                                                                                          High Pressure Oil Disconnect Tool FITS 6.0L Ford Powerstroke The early (2003 - 2004.5) 6.0L Powerstrokes utilize a quick disconnect (also known as a STC or Snap to Connect Fitting) between the high pressure oil pump discharge tube (also known as a "J Tube") and the branch tube and also at the ends of the short flexible braided lines that connect the standpipes to the oil rails . These can be exasperating to disconnect, especially without the proper tool! This Ford quick disconnect tool makes...

                                                                                                          Ford 6.9 L / 7.3 L - Remanufactured Turbo Injectors IDI Turbocharged injectors 6.9L Injectors, 7.3L IDI Injectors, 6.9L IDI Injectors, 6.9 Injectors, 7.3 IDI Turbo Injectors, Rebuilt 6.9L Injectors, Remanufactured 6.9 Injectors, Remanufactured 7.3 IDI Turbo Injectors, Stanadyne 6.9L Injectors Stanadyne 6.9L IDI Injectors, Stanadyne 7.3L Injectors, Stanadyne 7.3L IDI Injectors,  Ford 6.9L Turbo Injectors, Ford 7.3L IDI Turbo Injectors, Rebuilt 7.3L IDI Turbo Injectors. Reman 7.3L IDI Turbo Injectors
                                                                                                          Price: $249.95
                                                                                                          Availability: In Stock
                                                                                                          Item #: MD1000Gx8 -

                                                                                                            - Premium Remanufactured Diesel Fuel Injectors -for Ford or International 7.3 IDI Turbo -(1992 - 1994)- Complete set of 8 -Note: For 7.3L IDI non-turbo injectors, see related items below.NOTE: If you have a 1994 or newer Powerstroke 7.3L engine, these will NOT fit - also see related items belowThese injectors come with new o-rings and copper tip gaskets.These remanufactured diesel fuel injectors are second to none. In fact, analysis on sophisticated equipment has repeatedly shown that our...

                                                                                                            Ford 6.9 L / 7.3 L IDI - New OEM Stanadyne Injectors 6.9L Injectors, 7.3L IDI Injectors, 6.9L IDI Injectors, 6.9 Injectors 7.3 IDI Injectors, NEW 6.9L Injectors, NEW 6.9 Injectors, NEW 7.3 IDI Injectors, Stanadyne 6.9L Injectors Stanadyne 6.9L IDI Injectors, Stanadyne 7.3L Injectors, Stanadyne 7.3L IDI Injectors, 29455, Ford 6.9L Injectors, Ford 7.3L IDI Injectors
                                                                                                            Price: $499.95
                                                                                                            review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
                                                                                                            Availability: Currently out of stock - sorry!
                                                                                                            Item #: S29455/780430x8 -

                                                                                                              BRAND NEW - Genuine OEM Stanadyne Injector Set fits 1983 - 1994 6.9L / 7.3L IDI Non-turbo - Set of 8 - For the discriminating buyer who appreciates the best quality, these genuine OEM Stanadyne 7.3 & 6.9 IDI injectors are unquestionably the best available. These are some of the best 7.3 injectors and new return orings and copper chamber gaskets are included with them. Need injectors for your 7.3L IDI turbo? See related items below NOTE: These Stanadyne injectors will NOT fit 1994 and newer...

                                                                                                              Ford 6.9L / 7.3L IDI Diesel Fuel Injection Line Clamp Set idi line clamps, idi injection line clamps, IDI Ford injection line clamps, 6.9 idi injection line clamps, 7.3 idi injection line clamps, 6.9L idi injection line clamps, 7.3L IDI injection line clamps,  idi injector line clamp set, idi for injector line clamp set, 6.9 idi injector line clamps, 7.3 idi injector line clamps
                                                                                                              Price: $29.95
                                                                                                              Availability: In Stock
                                                                                                              Item #: ATS3341 -

                                                                                                                FORD -6.9L / 7.3L IDI - Injection Line Clamp Set Fits1983 - 1994 Pickup Applications(Not for Van applications) Are your injection lines constantly breaking? Over the years the injection line clamps have been left off of many IDI's. Because they are definitely a bit of a nuisance to install and may seem unnecessary, many technicians have neglected to re-install them over the years. However, fuel injection line clamps are absolutely critical to prevent constant injection line failure. Everything...

                                                                                                                Ford 6.9L / 7.3L IDI Vacuum Regulator Valve VRV Conversion Kit E5TA-7B200-BA. IDI Vacuum regulator valve, IDI VRV, Ford IDI VRV, 6.9 VRV, 7.3 VRV, 6.9L Vacuum regualator valve, 7.3L Vaccum regulator valve
                                                                                                                Price: $239.95
                                                                                                                review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
                                                                                                                Availability: In Stock
                                                                                                                Item #: ATSC6M -

                                                                                                                  Ford 6.9L / 7.3L IDI Vacuum Regulator Valve Mechanical Conversion Kit Fits 1983 - 1994 There are still tens of thousands of good reliable old IDI Ford Diesels running around the world - unfortunately, there are some parts that are getting to be very hard or impossible to find, and the Ford vacuum regulator valve (VRV) is one of them. The VRV bolts to the side of the injection pump and receives a mechanical input from the throttle shaft which it then converts into a variable vacuum signal that...

                                                                                                                  Ford 6.9L / 7.3L IDI VAN Injection Line Set Assembled with Clamps  6.9L injection lines, 6.9 injection lines, 7.3L injection lines, 7.3 injection lines, 6.9 diesel injection lines, 7.3 diesel injection lines, 6.9L fuel injector lines, 7.3L fuel injector lines, 6.9 injector lines, 7.3 injector lines, 6.9L IDI Injection lines, 7.3L IDI injection lines, Ford 6.9L injection lines, Ford 7.3L injection lines, IDI lines assembled, IDI VAN Injection Lines, E250 E350 E450 E550 Injection Lines
                                                                                                                  Price: $294.95
                                                                                                                  Availability: In Stock
                                                                                                                  Item #: ST69AS-V -

                                                                                                                    - Set of 8 - Brand New Fuel Injection Line Set (Completely Assembled with clamps in place) fits Ford / International VANS with 6.9L and 7.3L IDI engines from 1982 - 1994 (Note: If you have a truck, please see related items below for truck specific lines.) If you are rebuilding your engine or replacing your pump, now is a great time for new lines - injection lines do occasionally rupture and can leave you stranded. Trucks in northern states usually exhibit very rusty and pitted lines further...

                                                                                                                    Ford 7.3 L IDI - New OEM Stanadyne Turbo Injectors 7.3L IDI Turbo Injectors, NEW 7.3L IDI Turbo Injectors, IDI Turbo Injectors, 7.3 IDI Turbo Injectors, New 7.3 IDI Turbo Injectors
                                                                                                                    Price: $499.95
                                                                                                                    Availability: Currently out of stock - sorry!
                                                                                                                    Item #: S30406 -

                                                                                                                      - BRAND NEW - Genuine OEM Stanadyne Injector Set fits 1993 - 1994 7.3L IDI Turbo - Set of 8 - For the discriminating buyer who appreciates the best quality, these genuine OEM Stanadyne 7.3 IDI injectors are unquestionably the best available. New return orings and copper chamber gaskets included. Need injectors for your 6.9L / 7.3L non-turbo? See related items below NOTE: These Stanadyne injectors will NOT fit 1994 and newer Powerstroke diesels - see Powerstroke section. Typically by 100,000...

                                                                                                                      Ford 7.3L HPOP / High Pressure Oil Line Disconnect Tool HPOP Disconnect Tool, 7.3L HPOP Disconnect Tool, Powerstroke HPOP Disconnecto tool, 7.3L HPOP Line Tool
                                                                                                                      Price: $15.95
                                                                                                                      Availability: In Stock
                                                                                                                      Item #: BTL3 -

                                                                                                                        High Pressure Oil Line Disconnect Tool FITS 7.3L Ford Powerstroke From 1998 - 2003 Ford used quick disconnects at both ends of the high pressure oil lines running from the HPOP to each cylinder head. These can be exasperating to disconnect, especially without the proper tool! This Ford oil line disconnect tool makes the job much easier! Hint: Don't pull on the line until you have used the tool to pry the release sleeve back. In fact, it is better to push the line in slightly while releasing...

                                                                                                                        Ford 7.3L IDI Glow Plug Connectors (Set of 8) Are your 7.3L IDI Glow Plug Connectors cracked and broken? These replacement connectors work well in place of the originals.
                                                                                                                        Price: $9.95
                                                                                                                        review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
                                                                                                                        Availability: In Stock
                                                                                                                        Item #: ATS738 -

                                                                                                                          7.3L Ford IDI 1987 - 1994- Glow Plug Connector Set - Made in the USA The Problem:For a long time we have been taking calls from customers asking if we had the glow plug harness ends for their Ford IDI 7.3L Diesels. After being forced to say "No" many times, we finally decided to take the time to find an answer. The original connectors are now well over 20 years old, and most of them are in really sad condition. Unfortunately, the OEM connectors are long ago obsolete, as are the complete...

                                                                                                                          Ford Superduty / Dodge 5.9L ELECTRIC Vacuum Pump Superduty Vacuum pump, Superduty Electric Vacuum Pump, 7.3L electric  vacuum pump, 6.0L electric vacuum pump, 6.4L electric vacuum pump, ford electric vacuum pump, powerstroke electric vacuum pump, powerstroke vacuum pump, dodge cruise control vacuum pump, cummins electric vacuum pump, 6C3Z2A451A, 6C3Z2A451BA, 4C3Z2A451BA, F81H-2A451-B, F81Z2A451BA
                                                                                                                          Price: $61.95
                                                                                                                          Availability: Currently out of stock - sorry!
                                                                                                                          Item #: L95602 -

                                                                                                                            BRAND NEW VACUUM PUMP 1999 - 2010 Ford F-250 through F-550 Super Duty2000 - 2005 Excursion2003 - 2005 Dodge Ram 5.9L CumminsMotorhomes, etc. Fits 7.3L, 6.0L and 6.4L Powerstroke Diesels What does this part do? This electric vacuum pump operates the heater controls and four wheel drive front vacuum hubs on your Ford Diesel truck.It operates the cruise control on Dodge trucks with the Cummins Diesel. (Note: If your Dodge is equipped with a jake brake, there will be a belt-driven vacuum pump...

                                                                                                                            Ford Vacuum Pump - 6.9 L/7.3 L/Ranger 6.9L Vacuum pump, 7.3L vacuum pump, ranger vacuum pump, 6.9L IDI vaccum pump, 7.3L IDI vaccum pump, 6.9 diesel vacuum pump, 7.3 diesel vacuum pump, 6.9 ford vacuum pump, 7.3 ford vacuum pump, F4TZ-2A4151A, OEM IDI Vacuum pump
                                                                                                                            Price: $134.95
                                                                                                                            Availability: Currently out of stock - sorry!
                                                                                                                            Item #: L5907 -

                                                                                                                              BRAND NEW Ford Vacuum Pump - 6.9L / 7.3L / Ranger These Ford vacuum pumps are not rebuilt or aftermarket reproductions. They are brand new from the Original Equipment Manufacturer - the highest quality available - at a fraction of the dealer cost! This Ford 6.9 / 7.3 / Ranger vacuum pump fits the following applications: 1983 to 1987 6.9 L.1988 to 3/1992 7.3 L IDI.1985 to 1987 Ranger 4 cylinder w/o turbo.1983 to 1991 Ranger 4 and 6 cylinder.Part number 5907 replaces Ford F4TZ-2A4151A.Repair...

                                                                                                                              Ford Vacuum Pump - 7.3 L 94 Ford vacuum pump, 95 Ford Vacuum pump, 7.3L vacuum pump, 7.3 vacuum pump, 7.3L Powerstroke Vacuum Pump, 7.3 Ford Powerstroke Vacuum Pump 7.3L IDI Vacuum pump, 7.3L ford diesel vacuum pump, F4TZ-2A451-A
                                                                                                                              Price: $134.95
                                                                                                                              Availability: Currently out of stock - sorry!
                                                                                                                              Item #: L4958 -

                                                                                                                                BRAND NEW Ford Vacuum Pump - 7.3L IDI and Powerstroke Our 7.3 Powerstroke vacuum pumps are not rebuilt or aftermarket reproductions. They are brand new from the Original Equipment Manufacturer - the highest quality available - at a fraction of the dealer cost! This Ford 7.3 IDI vacuum pump fits the following applications: Ford 7.3 L from 1994 to 1995 including Powerstroke and IDI engines. Replaces Ford F4TZ-2A451-A. Repair shops, salvage yards, auto part stores, etc. may inquire about quantity...

                                                                                                                                Ford Vacuum Pump - PowerStroke 7.3L Vacuum pump, 7.3 vacuum pump, 7.3L Powerstroke Vacuum pump, 7.3 diesel vacuum pump, 7.3L Ford Diesel vacuum pump, 7.3L Ford Powerstroke vacuum pump, 7.3 ford powerstroke vacuum pump, OEM 7.3 vacuum pump,  F6TZ-2A451-AA
                                                                                                                                Price: $121.95
                                                                                                                                Availability: Currently out of stock - sorry!
                                                                                                                                Item #: L5657 -

                                                                                                                                  BRAND NEW Ford Vacuum Pump - 7.3L Powerstroke Our 7.3 Ford Powerstroke vacuum pumps are not rebuilt or aftermarket reproductions. They are brand new from the Original Equipment Manufacturer - the highest quality available - at a fraction of the dealer cost! The original equipment manufacturer closed their doors permanently during COVID. There are a very limited number of OEM Powerstroke vacuum pumps left - when they are gone aftermarket will be the only option. This pump fits the following...

                                                                                                                                  Fuel Injector Wiring Harness CAT Caterpillar C9 Engine 419-0841 419-0841, 4190841, 4190841 CAT, 419-0841 CAT, 419-0841 Caterpillar, 419-0841 wiring harness, 4190841 fuel injector harness, 4190841 fuel injection harness,
                                                                                                                                  Price: $121.95
                                                                                                                                  Availability: Currently out of stock - sorry!
                                                                                                                                  Item #: 4190841 -

                                                                                                                                    Fuel Injection Wiring Harness Assembly REPLACES: CAT 4190841 / 419-0841 CATERPILLAR WIRING HARNESS FEATURES: - Genuine Original Equipment (OEM) Connectors and terminals for perfect fit and reliable electrical connections - Includes bolts Are you having problems with injector circuit codes (high / low, open circuit faults, etc) or intermittent misfire issues? A likely cause is the fuel injection wiring harness. Many times injectors that are not faulty are repeatedly replaced when the actual...

                                                                                                                                    Fuel Lift Pump DT466 DT530 International Maxxforce DT466 Lift pump, DT466E lift pump, Maxxforce Lift pump, DT466 fuel pump, DT466E fuel pump, International 4300 fuel pump, DT530 fuel pump, 440008174, 0440008174, 0 440 008 174, 1876108C92, 5010870R92
                                                                                                                                    Price: $69.95
                                                                                                                                    Availability: In Stock
                                                                                                                                    Item #: 44008174 -

                                                                                                                                      BRAND NEW International / Navistar Replacement FUEL LIFT PUMP - with gasket- Applications: Years 1994 - 2010 Including the following models DT466 DT466E DT530 DT530E I530E HT530 DT570 DT570 HT570Maxxforce 9,10, N9, N10 Including Engine Sizes: 7.6L 9.3L This fuel lift pump bolts to the high pressure oil pump or HPOP (see pictures). PLEASE NOTE: This listing is for a low pressure mechanical diesel fuel pump ONLY. An HPOP is NOT included. The HPOPs are shown to indicate where this fuel lift pump...

                                                                                                                                      Fuel Rail Pressure Regulator DRV 2011 - 2019 6.7L Powerstroke OEM Bosch CM-5185 CM5185 0281006017, 0 281 006 017?, ?BC3Z-9C968-A, BC3Z9C968A, 6.7L Powerstroke Pressure control valve, 6.7 ford fuel pressure regulator, 6.7L powerstroke Fuel Pressure Regulator
                                                                                                                                      Price: $109.95
                                                                                                                                      Availability: In Stock
                                                                                                                                      Item #: BC3Z-9C968-A -

                                                                                                                                        BRAND NEW Genuine OEM BOSCH Fuel Pressure Regulator / Control Valve FITS 2011 - 2019 6.7L FORD Powerstroke Diesel The rail pressure on the 6.7L Ford Powerstroke is controlled by two actuators. First is the MPROP valve mounted on the CP4 pump. Second, this fuel pressure regulator replacement (also called a DRV) which mounts to the back of the Driver's side fuel rail. A high duty cycle from the PCM raises rail pressure, a low duty cycle lowers it. This 6.7 powerstroke fuel pressure regulator...

                                                                                                                                        Gear Pump for CP3 Injection Pump Dodge Cummins 6.7L 6.7L Cummins Gear Pump, 6.7 Cummins gear pump CP3, 0440020109, 0 440 020 109, 6.7L Dodge gear pump cp3, 6.7L Dodge Cummins CP3 Gear pump
                                                                                                                                        Price: $99.95
                                                                                                                                        Availability: In Stock
                                                                                                                                        Item #: B0440020109 -

                                                                                                                                          BRAND NEW Dodge / Cummins 6.7L CP3 Gear Pump - Fits 2007 - 2018 Trucks - GENUINE OEM BOSCH Many apparent CP3 pump failures are actually only failures of the gear pump mounted on the back of the CP3. The gear-gear transfer pump can be easily replaced simply by removing and re-installing three torx head screws.

                                                                                                                                          Glow Plug - 6A477G017 (Case IH Komatsu) CASE 304131,  AC27G, AC 27G,  CHAMPION AG40, AG40C,  International Harvester 304131R1, 304131R2 , 304131R3, 3438941  KOMATSU D88516, D91934, 304131R1, 304131R2, 304131R3, 6A477G17
                                                                                                                                          Price: $12.95
                                                                                                                                          Availability: In Stock
                                                                                                                                          Item #: DG017 -

                                                                                                                                            - 6A477G017 -- 6A477G17 - Premium Diesel Glow Plugs Made in the USA This glow plugs replaces the following part numbers: CASE 304131 AC27G / AC 27G CHAMPION AG40, AG40C International Harvester 304131R1, 304131R2 , 304131R3, 3438941 KOMATSU D88516, D91934, 304131R1, 304131R2, 304131R3 Works on the following model tractors (and others): 504 706 656 460 560 660 2504 2706 2656 What makes these 6A477G017 Komatsu glow plugs superior? Domestically made - Our glow plugs are the only ones manufactured...

                                                                                                                                            Glow Plug - CATCO Paver 6A843G347 CATCO Glow Plug, Paver Glow Plug, CATCO Paver Glow Plug, 6A843G347
                                                                                                                                            Price: $34.95
                                                                                                                                            Availability: Build to Order
                                                                                                                                            Item #: DG347 -

                                                                                                                                              - 6A843G347 - Brand New Premium Glow Plug MADE IN THE USA Replaces CATCO 141-9273 FITS CATCO Pavers 24 Volt Design - Price is per CATCO Paver glow plug - Bulk inquiries invitedLimited Availability - Please Contact us before Ordering ...

                                                                                                                                              Glow Plug Kit - GM 4.3L / 5.7L Glow plugs 5.7L, Glow plugs 5.7L Diesel, Glow plug kit 5.7L, Glow plug controller 5.7L Glow plug controller 5.7L Diesel
                                                                                                                                              Price: $131.95
                                                                                                                                              Availability: In Stock
                                                                                                                                              Item #: DG003-088x8- -

                                                                                                                                                Premium 4.3L / 5.7L Diesel Glow Plug Kit - Includes Glow Plugs and Controller - (add relay below if desired) Fits the following vehicles with 4.3L and 5.7L engines: 1981 - 1982 Buick Century, Electra, Estate Wagon, Le Sabre, Riviera, Regal1979 - 1983 Cadillac Deville, Eldorado, Fleetwood, Brougham, Seville1980 - 1983 Chevy Celebrity, Caprice, Impala, Elcamino, Malibu, Monte Carlo, Trucks1980 - 1983 (Including late model 1979) Cutlass, Cutlass Ciera, Cutlass Supreme1980 - 1983 Pontiac Catalina,...

                                                                                                                                                Glow Plug Set - 6.2L Military CUCV
                                                                                                                                                Price: $68.50
                                                                                                                                                Availability: In Stock
                                                                                                                                                Item #: DG070 -

                                                                                                                                                  - Premium Diesel Glow Plugs - 6.2L CUCVEEMade in the USA What makes our glow plugs superior? Domestically made - Our dual coil military glow plugs are the only ones manufactured in the USA - any other brand you purchase is made in another country - support American workers! OEM Quality - Mention any major player in commercial diesel engines, and our manufacturer has probably made their glow plugs. In fact our glow plugs come out of the very same factory that exclusively manufacturers glow...

                                                                                                                                                  Glow Plug Set -  VW 1.9L TDI TDI Glow Plugs, VW TDI Glow Plugs, 1.9L Glow Plugs, 1.9 TDI Glow Plugs, VW Glow Plugs, Volkswagen Glow Plugs, Jetta Glow Plugs, Passat Glow plugs, Premium Glow Plugs, Dual Coil Glow Plugs, AccurateDiesel Glow Plugs
                                                                                                                                                  Price: $46.95
                                                                                                                                                  Availability: In Stock
                                                                                                                                                  Item #: DG059 -

                                                                                                                                                    - Premium Diesel Glow Plugs - VW 1.9L TDI Made in the USA What makes our glow plugs superior? Domestically made - Our VW 1.9 TDI glow plug replacements are the only ones manufactured in the USA - any other brand you purchase is made in another country - support American workers! OEM Quality - Mention any major player in commercial diesel engines, and our manufacturer has probably made their glow plugs. In fact our glow plugs come out of the very same factory that exclusively manufacturers glow...

                                                                                                                                                    Glow Plug Set - Duramax LB7 LB7 Glow Plugs, LB7 Duramax glow plugs, Dual coil glow plugs, lb7 glow plug, made in usa glow plugs, lb7 diesel glow plugs, lb7 duramax diesel glow plugs
                                                                                                                                                    Price: $84.95
                                                                                                                                                    Availability: In Stock
                                                                                                                                                    Item #: DG058 -

                                                                                                                                                      Premium Diesel Glow Plugs Made in the USA Chevy / GMC LB7 2001 - 2004 Duramax glow plugs Note: These glow plugs will fit all 2001 - 2004.5 Duramax trucks. If you have a 2004 Duramax you will need to verify if it is an LB7 or LLY. If the eighth digit of the VIN is a "1" then you have an LB7 and these plugs will fit. They will NOT fit 2004.5 and later Duramax. . If you need the later plug please see 'related items' below. Our Chevy / GMC LB7 glow plugs are the only ones manufactured in the USA -...

                                                                                                                                                      Glow Plug Set - Duramax LLY / LBZ / LMM / LML LLY glow plugs, LBZ glow plugs, LMM Glow plugs, Duramax glow plugs, Duramax diesel glow plugs, Dual coil glow plugs, Premium glow plugs
                                                                                                                                                      Price: $99.95
                                                                                                                                                      Availability: In Stock
                                                                                                                                                      Item #: DG057 -

                                                                                                                                                        Premium Diesel Glow Plugs Made in the USA - For 2006 - 2016 LLY, LBZ, LMM, and LML Chevy / GMC Duramax -These glow plugs will NOT fit 2005 and earlier LLY Duramax - they only fit "second generation" (2006 and later) LLY's. For the earlier glow plug, please see "related items" below. Domestically made - Our LML, LLY, LMM, and LBZ Duramax glow plugs are the only ones manufactured in the USA - any other brand you purchase is made in another country - support American workers! OEM Quality -...

                                                                                                                                                        Glow Plug Set - Ford 6.9 L / 7.3 L (Bullet Terminal) 6.9L Ford Glow Plugs, 7.3L Ford Glow Plugs, 6.9L glow Plugs, 7.3L glow plugs, 7.3L IDI Glow Plugs, 6.9L Ford IDI Glow Plugs, 7.3L IDI Ford Glow Plugs, Dual coil glow plugs, DieselRX glow plugs, Premium glow plugs
                                                                                                                                                        Price: $68.50
                                                                                                                                                        Availability: In Stock
                                                                                                                                                        Item #: DG084 -

                                                                                                                                                          Premium Diesel Glow Plugs Ford 6.9L / 7.3L IDI Made in the USA What makes our glow plugs superior? Domestically made - Our Ford 6.9 glow plugs are the only ones manufactured in the USA - any other brand you purchase is made in another country - support American workers! OEM Quality - Mention any major player in commercial diesel engines, and our manufacturer has probably made their glow plugs. In fact our glow plugs come out of the very same factory that exclusively manufacturers glow plugs...

                                                                                                                                                          Glow Plug Set - Ford 6.9 L IDI 6.9L Glow plugs, 6.9 glow plugs, 6.9L diesel glow plugs, 6.9 diesel glow plugs, dual coil glow plugs, DieselRX glow plugs, 6.9L IDI Glow plugs, 6.9 IDI glow plugs, 6.9 ford glow plugs, 6.9L ford glow plugs
                                                                                                                                                          Price: $68.50
                                                                                                                                                          Availability: In Stock
                                                                                                                                                          Item #: DG088 -

                                                                                                                                                            Premium Diesel Glow Plugs 6.9L Ford / International Made in the USA What makes our dual coil Ford glow plugs superior? Domestically made - Our 6.9 diesel glow plugs are the only ones manufactured in the USA - any other brand you purchase is made in another country - support American workers! OEM Quality - Mention any major player in commercial diesel engines, and our manufacturer has probably made their glow plugs. In fact, our dual coil 6.9 diesel glow plugs come out of the very same factory...

                                                                                                                                                            Glow Plug Set - Ford 7.3L PowerStroke / T444E 7.3 Powerstroke glow plugs, 7.3 Powerstroke glow plugs, 7.3 glow plugs, 7.3L glow plugs, 7.3 diesel glow plugs, 7.3L Diesel glow plugs, powerstroke glow plugs, powerstroke diesel glow plugs, dual coil glow plugs, DieselRX glow plugs, Premium glow plugs
                                                                                                                                                            Price: $71.95
                                                                                                                                                            review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
                                                                                                                                                            Availability: In Stock
                                                                                                                                                            Item #: DG138 -

                                                                                                                                                              - Premium Diesel Glow Plugs - 7.3L Ford Powerstroke International T444E Made in the USA What makes our glow plugs superior? Domestically made - Our 7.3 Powerstroke glow plugs are the only ones manufactured in the USA - any other brand you purchase is made in another country - support American workers! OEM Quality - Mention any major player in commercial diesel engines, and our manufacturer has probably made their glow plugs. In fact, our 7.3 glow plug replacements come out of the very same...

                                                                                                                                                              Glow Plug Set - Ford PowerStroke 6.0L 6.0L Glow Plugs, 6.0 Glow Plugs, 6.0L Diesel Glow Plugs 6.0L Powerstroke glow plugs, 6.0 powerstroke glow plugs, 6.0L ford powerstroke glow plugs, dual coil glow plugs, Premium glow plugs, DieselRX glow plugs
                                                                                                                                                              Price: $74.95
                                                                                                                                                              Availability: In Stock
                                                                                                                                                              Item #: DG541 -

                                                                                                                                                                - Premium Diesel Glow Plugs - 6.0L Ford Powerstroke International VT365 Made in the USA What makes our glow plugs superior? Domestically made - Our Ford diesel glow plugs are the only ones manufactured in the USA - any other brand you purchase is made in another country - support American workers! OEM Quality - Mention any major player in commercial diesel engines, and our manufacturer has probably made their glow plugs. In fact, our Ford diesel glow plugs come out of the very same factory...

                                                                                                                                                                Glow Plug Set - John Deere 1010 / 2010  1010 Glow plug, 1010 Glow plugs, 2010 Glow Plugs, 2010 glow plug, John Deere 1010 Glow Plugs, John Deere 2010 Glow Plugs, AccurateDiesel Glow Plugs, DieselRX Glow Plugs, Premium Glow Plugs
                                                                                                                                                                Price: $99.95
                                                                                                                                                                Availability: In Stock
                                                                                                                                                                Item #: DG019 -

                                                                                                                                                                  Brand New Premium dual coil John Deere 1010 & 2010 glow plugsThese glow plugs fit the applications below: Our part number 6A467G019 1010 Serial number 31001 and ABOVE. 2010 Serial number 29001 and ABOVE. Other applications with the following John Deere part numbers: AT23537 and AT16499 Also replaces 6A467G19, 6A467G012, 6A467G12 Tired of frequent glow plug replacement and unacceptable starting? These are some of the best John Deere glow plugs on the market. Unlike stock and cheap aftermarket...

                                                                                                                                                                  Glow Plug Set - John Deere 1010/2010 Etc. G011
                                                                                                                                                                  Price: $99.95
                                                                                                                                                                  Availability: In Stock
                                                                                                                                                                  Item #: DG011 -

                                                                                                                                                                    Brand New Premium dual coil John Deere glow plugs. These glow plugs fit the applications below: Our part number 6A467G011 1010 up to Serial number 310002010 up to Serial number 29000Other applications with John Deere Part numbers AT16144, AT11044, AT13152, AT11044, AT16768Also replaces 6A467G11Tired of frequent glow plug replacement and unacceptable starting? These are some of the best glow plugs on the market. Unlike stock and cheap aftermarket glow plugs, our Premium dual coil glow plugs do...

                                                                                                                                                                    If diesel runs in your veins, we welcome you here to the AccurateDiesel.com website - whether you are a loyal defender of the Duramax, Powerstroke, or Cummins product, we speak your language. Time for some injectors, a new set of glow plugs, or perhaps an injection pump? You've come to the right place - we don't just peddle parts - we own, drive, and repair diesel trucks so we can speak your language and know what works and what doesn't. Shop for your Duramax, Cummins, and Powerstroke diesel parts at Accurate Diesel - We look forward to having you as a customer and helping you keep your truck on the road!